What Lies between the cover of books — Response

4 min readApr 19, 2019


Reading life - I don’t read almost as many books as before. At best I read 1–2 books a month. I do however read a lot of short stories online and listen to a some audio books online. I also do read a few poems.

Have my reading habits changed - I don’t read more books than before but my attitude towards reading has changed, I use to see reading as a chore and I would lose focus really quick but now I enjoy reading more and see it less as a chore.

Do I think that reading is important - I think reading is very important, I think it accounts for around 30% of my vocabulary. Most of the hard words I know I learnt from reading books. We read pretty much everyday, even now you’re reading this article. Reading books is one of the best way to develop your minds and language skills. Also reading reports and news is one of the best ways to expand your knowledge. almost everything we learn is through reading and listening, so of course reading is very important.

Opinions on the poem -

I could never have dreamt that there were such goings-on
in the world between the covers of books,
such sandstorms and ice blasts of words,
such staggering peace, such enormous laughter,
such and so many blinding bright lights,
splashing all over the pages
in a million bits and pieces
all of which were words, words, words,
and each of which were alive forever
in its own delight and glory and oddity and light.

Dylan Thomas is one of the few poets I know. I first stumbled upon him in a poetry assignment in year seven to find the meaning, poetic techniques and use of tone in a poem of choice. I chose a poem by Dylan Thomas - “Do not go gentle into that good night”. after reading that poem I read more of his poems and he soon became one of my favourite poets. This poem is quite the same. I think it perfectly encapsulates the feeling you get when you read a good book, the words and descriptions are so vivid, it almost feels like the characters and the story is real. How so many different characters and environments and worlds and objects and creatures can be fitted into a single book. I think this poem shows the joy and life a book has and can give.

What I’ve been reading so far - So far this year I have only read one book - “The hitchhikers guide to the galaxy” by Douglas Adams. It was recommended to me by a relative who bought it for me on Christmas last year and honestly I loved the book. Unlike many of the other books my relatives have recommended to me (mostly classics) — “Wuthering heights”, “Pride and prejudice” etc. The hitchhikers guide to the galaxy was actually quite entertaining and funny. I think part of the charm of the book is how outlandish it is and how ‘out there’ the ideas in it are like how the rats are actually the smartest creatures on earth and they have actually been experimenting on us the entire time. It creates a very imaginative setting and the characters are quite likable. It is very lighthearted and funny and doesn’t take much thought to read. Also many of the quotes in the book are still famous today such as how the answer to the life the universe and everything = 42. I think that the book was very interesting and funny and the best part about it is how imaginative the setting of the book is as well as the creatures and aliens.

What I’m planning on reading next - This holiday I have started reading the catcher in the rye. I don’t like it as much as the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy but I still think it is quite an interesting read. unlike the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy I think it shares the opposite qualities. The setting is in no way special or exciting, however I think that the characters are what makes this story so interesting. Especially the main character Holden. Unlike other books, the main character is actually quite relatable and feels very human. He is deeply flawed and sometimes I want to just punch him but unlike many other books he actually feels like he is one of us and not some perfect character who has no flaws whatsoever and can do whatever they want. I’m so far liking it but I don’t find it nearly as interesting as the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy.

